Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

We were invited to the home of our fabulous friend Tom for a BBQ last night. Originally we'd been thinking we'd brave the madness of the National Mall to see the big firework show, but just as we arrived at Tom's we learned the entire Mall had been evacuated because of a tornado warning. It reopened in time for people to come back to see the fireworks, but still, outside in the rain isn't where I'd have wanted to be.

Plus we met some terrific new people at the party. Mainly a bunch of fellow theatre geeks - Tom has a new grand piano, so he played while we all sang show tunes. David got up and sang "Oh What A Beautiful Morning" and everyone was appropriately impressed. I wanted him to sing more, I love listening to him sing. Right at the end we got into a great conversation with another couple about Harry Potter. They are convinced that Harry is a Christ-like figure and, as such, must die at the end of the next book. I say, nice theory, but there is no way Rowling is going to kill Harry. I also still refuse to believe that Snape is evil. Nasty yes, but not evil. Another two weeks and we'll see though. ::grin:: In the meantime we're having a Harry Potter fest and renting all the movies. I wanted to re-read all the books, but I don't have books 2 or 3 and the library is all checked out. Yikes, I'm such a nerd.


  1. I agree with your friend: Harry is dead meat.

    But don't worry, like Buddy Christ he'll be back. In three books.

  2. Just to play devil's advocate, if she killed off Harry, there would be no chance of a tacky "reunion" type book or movie. He'd be burned into everyone's hearts as a martyr for all time.

    I'm in agreement with you over Severus Snape's character though. He's been consistently dependable in the ways that really matter. Thus far.

  3. While I fully believe Rowling has every intention of retiring and never writing again while she enjoys her bags and bags of money, the capitalist in me just can't fathom killing off such a wildly popular character. Who is going to want to go to Harry Potter Theme Park in Florida once it just becomes a memorial?

    I've already heard people theorizing that Fawkes is somehow going to bring Dumbledore back to life, though that seems silly even to me. More interesting anyhow would be if Snape sacrifices his life to save Harry. Let Snape be the martyr, he'd be perfect.
