Friday, July 27, 2007


My first week of orientation is done! Dang that was one long week, I am so glad that this is likely the last week I will EVER be working five consecutive days in a row. Woo Hoo! This morning I finally got to get onto my floor, if just for a silly "where is the fire exit? Where is the crash cart?" kind of orientation where I felt like a total nerd walking around my new co-workers with a heavy binder marking things off as I found them. At least there are two of us starting so I wasn't all by myself. My preceptor was also the charge nurse today, again confirming the fact that she TOTALLY ROCKS. I also met the other preceptor, who was wearing a sweet pair of red glasses so of course I immediately complimented her on her fabulous taste. I lamely showed her that my glasses also have some red, but only on the part that goes behind my ears, and she rightly mocked me. But hey, I did the best I could with the resources I had as a student, and now that I'll be getting nurse paychecks I can buy my own red glasses and strive to be as fashion forward as she is. Dilemma: Which comes first, a pair of rad glasses or an iPhone? Isn't it crazy how life throws these unanswerable questions at us???

As far as the hospital goes, they fed us every day this week, which shows me how smart the are. There is no better way to my heart than through my stomach via the deliciously tasty blueberry bagel I had this morning. I mean, does anything else really matter if they are feeding me?

Also, I can wear a t-shirt with scrub bottoms. I'm gonna love dressing for work. I may get tired, but I will always be comfortable! The good news just never seems to stop.

While I was off posing for ID photos and getting fitted for a TB mask and signing form after form after form, poor David was stuck at home. But dang if that boy isn't productive when I'm not around to be a bad influence. He painted an accent border complete with flowers and surfboards in our Hawaiian bathroom. He re-stained all the bannisters and railings. He even started scrubbing the cracks between the tile in the kitchen and that is unbelieveable. But best of all, he got busy in the kitchen and made me the most AMAZING dinners like every night this week. He made some unbelievable risotto the other night, and today he went to the farmers market and bought some perfect little tomatos and made some homemade bruschetta that almost made me cry out of sheer happiness. For tomorrow he has already made some homemade pesto, and from our hero Alton Brown got a recipe for some amazing sounding french toast - the hallah bread is already sliced and sitting on the counter to get stale. This post is turning to be all about food, but all I can say is I am going to pout when he finally starts working and can't wait on me like this. I'm so spoiled sometimes.


  1. don't you wish they'd do some scavenger hunt that was really fun, like where you had to find an old atrophied organ like a spleen or something or that they did an easter egg-type hunt with vicodin or percocet and you got to keep what you found? "find the oxygen, find the staff bathroom, find the pyxis" is so boring. but i'm glad you're enjoying yourself anyway.

  2. heh heh, that would be way more interesting for sure!

  3. I definitely vote for the iPhone.

    And remember, you are not a student anymore. You are an RN on orientation. And you rock.

    Think you could convince David to post some recipes/directions on your blog? I'm trying to cook for my honey too, but am a moron about such things. Too many years of reheating packaged meals to really understand how it works.

    I have been cooking a few things off of this website with modest success.

    Yum. How can I be thinking about food this early in the morning?
