Sunday, June 24, 2007

Birthing pains...

Bear with me while I try out a new look for the blog. I wasn't thrilled with the narrowness of the other look, I hate all that scrolling. So we'll try this for a bit and see how it feels.

Slept in until seven this morning. That is what Sundays are for, no? Gonna put a first coat up on our last wall in the living room, and then are going to go check out the Eastern Market.


  1. If you're looking for feedback, I find the background a little too dark to be easily readable.


    PS: I'm a theatre person. 7am isn't sleeping in -- it's bedtime!

  2. This is harder for me to read too, for what it's worth.

    Sundays are for getting up at 5am around here. Wednesday, now THAT is a day for sleeping in...

  3. you know, the baby blue pastel doesn't really do it for me. Although I'm sure it matches your eyes wonderfully, it just doesn't seem to do your blog justice. It makes it seem light and airy, but I think your posts have way more wieght than the backgrund gives them credit for.

    Say Hi to David, hope studying goes well!

  4. This is easier on my eyes. I'm NCLEXing tomorrow. Think good thoughts for me!

  5. ohhh, I like this one. The red screams 'transfusion', while the peachy says "relax, it's summer. Have some sorbet."

  6. Robb, now you need a cluster map to go with your blog.

  7. What is a cluster map? Where do I get one?
