Thursday, July 31, 2008

What he says

So is this celebrity crap a battle McCain really wants to start? But don't take my word for it, this guy says it even better. Money quote:

"It makes just as much sense to call McCain an elitist as Obama. Nevermind that the Illinois senator is a bi-racial child from a broken family raised in a modest single-parent household. Or that there are plenty of "country clubs" still unwilling to accept African-Americans as members. Or that the last "celebrity" to occupy the Oval Office was Ronald Reagan, McCain's hero. Simply imagine the memo David Axelrod could send to reporters about the Republican nominee. "Only a celebrity of John McCain's magnitude could star on blockbuster television shows like '24' and appear in big-budget motion pictures like 'Wedding Crashers,'" it would read. "These are not campaign commercials or news interviews, but major Hollywood productions--which is no surprise, given that he's pals with Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lorne Michaels. Only celebrities like John McCain own seven homes, date Brazilian models, marry blond heiresses worth $100 million, attend Virginia's tony "old boy" Episcopal High School, forget the last time they pumped their own gas and wear $520 black calfskin loafers by Ferragamo." Get the picture?"

Like I said before, I know this kind of mud-slinging is how the game is played, but weren't we mostly excited about McCain because he was supposed to be different? You know, a maverick? He is destroying everything I've ever liked about him. Painful.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! exactly! how silly to call obama a "celebrity". that quote is perfect.

    personally, i think mccain is just jealous. obama is pretty hot right now. sucka.
