Thursday, July 17, 2008

Looking for old friends

The other day I got an email via Facebook from someone I went to high school with. I haven't thought of her in years, so it was pretty fabulous to hear from her out of the blue and do a little catching up. This of course got me thinking about other friends, so I went to do a little searching. And I couldn't find people! Katharine Welch, where are you? Jamie Batsch? Gail Murray? Peter Fuller? Going back even farther, how about Arnie Muth? Toby Rule? Shawna Mason? The girls probably have new married names. But come on peeps, I know things like Facebook seem silly, but catching up is fun! So, if you are reading this blog, do yourself a favor and sign up. You don't have to maintain it, you don't have to spend hours fooling around like you are 13. But there is no better way to re-find old friends, or to let them find you. The world is small, but you'll get better results if you give old friends a way to find you. (and and the like are cool, but I don't expect anyone, including me, to pay for the service. Facebook is free! Do it! Now! And include your maiden name!)

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