Friday, July 25, 2008

Thank you for the music

In my household, if you have a choice between seeing a Batman movie or an ABBA musical, the musical will win every time.

So we saw "Mamma Mia". And yeah, it is kind of a mess, the plot is a little too uncomfortable considering the absolute joy of the music, and the scenes shot in the studio don't match with the scenes actually shot outside very well. But, hello, ABBA. And Meryl Streep. In Greece. What more do you need? I know where I want to go on vacation next. I also want to get the soundtrack, because some of the new arrangements, while not a replacement for the originals, are still very fun.

I also wish I understood the technical side of recording a soundtrack for a movie. I don't know what it is that they do, but they often "sweeten" the tracks somehow, and I don't know what they do but they turn the music into crack for my ears. I can't describe the sound, but it just makes me so happy. It was the same thing for the soundtrack to Chicago. I love it, I can't get enough.

Before the movie we bought more camping equipment. Yay! After the movie we drove out to Virginia and had a delicious steak dinner with my Aunt and Uncle. They are moving back to Idaho, so this was our last chance to see them. They move around even more than David and I do (my uncle does high-tech construction), so we'll no doubt be near them again at some point I'm sure. But still, sad to see them go. They were just two hours away, and we didn't take advantage of that as often as we should have. But that is the great thing about family, there will always be more opportunities.

One week! In one week I will be hiking in Maine!

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