Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Some more Olympic thoughts:

People who run fast can't seem to carry a little stick at the same time. I actually didn't really care, with the exception of Lauren Williams, whom I have a big soft spot for even though I don't really remember why I remember her from Athens, but I LOVE that she ran her leg of the race even though she was already disqualified. More cool were the winners of the women's final, with several countries who had no chance of winning a medal...winning a medal. I love that kind of joy. (Though it totally sucks for Great Britain that Jamaica's mistakes took them out of the race too. Talk about a new rivalry.)

I can't help but to find it funny when the commentators call the synchronized swimmers and rhythmic gymnastics athletes. Don't get me wrong, I loved both events. But to me it is dancing, which is more of an art than a sport. I never considered myself an athlete when I was a dancer. I don't think of the contestants on So You Think You Can Dance as athletes. I know that these competitors are vying for medals and are being judged as a sport, which technically makes them athletes I guess, and again, I mean absolutely no disrespect for them, because they are crazy talented. I loved it when the girl was breakdancing on the water surface using the other swimmers as a "floor", and of course anytime someone can wrap their leg back over their shoulder in front of their head I get weak in the knees.

Thank goodness for all that Olympic basketball, because it gave me something to fast forward through. Team sports at the Olympics are not my cup of tea. (I hate that expression because I hate tea. But what do I drink? Maybe I should say they are not my cup of, uh, water. They are not my chocolate chip oatmeal cookie? They are not my Shawn Johnson winning a gold medal?)

What was up with the Decathalon coverage? I wasn't watching anything besides Sesame Street when Bruce Jenner won his gold medal, yet his win made him so super famous that I know his name 30 years later. And this year Clay won the event so decisively that he basically didn't even compete in the last event his lead was so huge. So what is up with the super truncated coverage? They didn't even show half of the events, and the ones that they did show only featured two or three athletes. How much do we have to sacrifice in order to show every single volleyball match? Actually I thought it was pretty lame that Clay came in last in the final run. Yeah, we know you didn't HAVE to try harder to win, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have. Not very exciting. I'm sure you were exhausted, but so were all the other guys. Still, doesn't his win qualify him as the greatest athlete in the world? Why isn't NBC selling his greatest hits video? MIchael Phelps only competed in eight events, Clay did ten. (snark snark)

Fencing is super weird. I had no idea what was going on. Ever.

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