Friday, August 22, 2008

John McCain wants to raise your taxes!

Now this is interesting. Take a look at this graphic comparing the results of the tax policies of each candidate.

John McCain, not yet rich enough apparently, wants to give himself a tax break almost big enough to pay his maids. Obama on the other hand, is willing to pay an additional $700,000 in taxes in order to pay for running our country. (Hey, its all in the rhetoric, right?) Of more concern to me, is that under Obama's plan I pay considerably less, a perk I hadn't expected. Me likey. I wonder if my dad's head is exploding at the idea that voting Republican means higher taxes. ::nudge:: (Note: It isn't, because he won't believe it.)

PS - I love to give my parents grief, (and especially in my Dad's case, who as he grows more and more senile actually enjoys Fox News) but fortunately they are ideologically more Libertarian than Republican, so we don't clash nearly as often as you might think.

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the best graphics I've ever seen, I can only hope it's accurate, and when elected, that Obama can follow through with it.

    For all the GOP's talk of how the Dems like to raise taxes, they conveniently neglect to mention the miniscule number of households that have an income of greater than 600k. Nice that McCain (naturally, he of 142 houses) wants to give the biggest breaks to the richest folks. Sickening.
