Sunday, June 22, 2008

Time for a change

It was time to repaint folks. Hope I don't have any autistic readers who can't cope with change, but if you hate change that much I'd hardly be your favorite person anyway, right? It is summer, and all that orange was bugging me. Green is better. For now, anyways.

A friend, for some unknown reason, sent me the soundtrack to "The Accidental Tourist". I've never seen the movie, but that is what I am listening to right now. I little John Williams never hurt anyone. Next in my iTunes queue is "Adrift In Macou", an Off-Broadway musical that a friend of ours was in. I at least hope his songs are good!

Last night we went to a cabaret of original songs. My favorite song was called "Googling Your Ex", which was pretty funny. Funny is never wrong. Cute can go either way. Clever can go either way. But funny is always a hit.

So this couchsurfing thing is really taking off. We're already in touch with a few people we might be able to stay with in Canada. And a French Au Pair is staying with us over the weekend of the 4th, and then a guy from Ecuador just after that. We'll see how hosting goes, though I'm not really anticipating any trouble. Travelers like these will be out exploring most of the time. At least that is what I would do. Who wants to sit around a strangers house? And since I'll still be working nights, either me or David will be here at all times. We had two other people write us, a guy from Russia and a girl from Spain, but they all wanted to be here at the same time so we had to tell them no. Who knew we would be so popular?

Right now we have a huge tent set up in our living room. David wanted to see what it looked like, but then he neglected to take it back down. I almost thought he was going to sleep in it last night he was so excited about it. It is bigger than I thought it was which is nice. Now I just hope those Canadian nights aren't too cold! We've got some good blankets, but I know from experience how hard it can be to get up in the morning from a warm sleeping bag into the cold air. And we're gonna have to get some early starts on this trip to cram in everything we want to do.

I'm working an overtime shift this week, so I'm gonna be a bit tired-er than normal. Schedule wise my body has adjusted to night shifts, but my brain hasn't quite caught up. It sucks that I have to go back to day shifts for the vacation, because I'm abandoning the night-shift experiment before I've had time to really adjust to it. I've been terribly unproductive staying up all night, but I'm not sure if that is the way it would always be or if I'd start getting more energized as I got more used to it. I sure love my morning runs through the National Mall.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Cody! Enjoy your last year of being young!

1 comment:

  1. I watched "Accidental Tourist" a very long time ago at the recommendation of Uncle Rod. It was pretty good. I can't recall the sound track, so will have to investigate.
    So after watching the news this morning, Dad is getting excited about your next "surprise" present from us. Can you think what that might be????
