Saturday, June 14, 2008

So how soon before I get to be a bitter and jaded old-timer that doesn't have to care about work after he gets home?

I know it is weird, but I have to admit I'm a little shaken up by the death of Tim Russert. His biggest moment in politics ("Florida, Florida, Florida!") came at the height of my own burgeoning political awareness. I can't say I've spent much time watching Meet The Press or anything, but he was always on the radar, and even if he seemed a tad bit biased at times, he was still hugely preferable to any of the "political commentators" that make a living by fanning the flames and being outrageous. And, frankly, he was just much too young. Just sad.

Also sad was my latest night at work. I had an admission, a young guy that weighed well over 600 pounds. I felt so bad for him, our beds just aren't designed for someone of that size, and he was terribly uncomfortable all night. He wanted to sit up, to lay down, to get up to the chair, to get back to bed, to get up to a different chair, on and on. Thankfully all of my other patients were sleepers, because I spent 45 minutes out of every hour in this guys room. The worst part is that he wasn't trying to be difficult, he was just truly miserable and needed help. So then I start feeling guilty for being frustrated, because I need to give some attention to my other patients, and yet this guy needs a lot of help, and other nurses are talking to me about "setting limits", a phrase I kinda-sorta hate, because if someone needs help going to the bathroom, even if it is repeatedly, you can't just tell them to hold it. (At least I don't think so.) Anyway, it was pretty rough, but I got almost everything done that I wanted to get done, and a better bed was ordered. But I wonder what the rest of his stay is going to be like, day shift won't possibly have the time to give him like I did at night. Well, I'm sure I'll hear about it when I get back, but I'm gonna enjoy my three days off!

It is 2am now, I'm looking forward to about 4:30 or so, when I'm gonna take a run out to the Lincoln Memorial. Actually, it has been weeks since I've exercised at all getting my schedule flipped to nights, so I'm not sure I'll make it quite that far. But that is the goal anyway. Yesterday I realized that while sleeping during the day sucks, I don't actually fall asleep until 8:30 or so, so I might as well do something at night instead of just watching TV. Thursday morning I went out and took a walk just as the sun was rising, and was surprised at how many people were up and about that early. I love early mornings! I get such a jolt of energy.

1 comment:

  1. It's been more difficult since our move to Las Vegas, but Albuquerque was the best for early morning hikes. I miss those a lot. Now that I've received my Trikke (google it), perhaps I will be more motivated for a cool morning ride. Thanks for the reminder. I'm just getting ready to post your most recent picture. I'm thinkin' YouTube, what do you think? Anyone want to see it?
