Thursday, June 12, 2008

Should I be embarrassed that I have Yanni in my iTunes?

One of David's coworkers recently moved down the street from us, and tonight she came over to watch SYTYCD with us. She is even a bigger mega-fan than we are, having gone to the SYTYCD tour show two years running. But at least she is able to retain a bit of cool detachment by admitting that she has never voted either. ;)

It is way too early for me to have decided on any real favorites, although I really enjoyed Kerrington and Twitch together. In fact, they are the only two names that I know. My favorite dance was the Mia Michaels one which I thought was gorgeous, and David preferred the war one. (I liked him a lot, but I still feel the jury is out on her.) The good thing is that there was no one who stood out as needing to leave, I thought everyone did at least ok. There are a couple that are too young or naive to have much personality yet, but sometimes that can be learned (I'm talking to you Danny!) so we'll see what happens. All I know is that for now there are just too many people for me to keep track of, so a little thinning of the ranks will be good by me.

After she left we went on a walk in the neighborhood. It has been pretty hot and humid the past few days, but tonight was just perfect out. And my inner child, who is never more at the surface than when I'm out walking around, was absolutely delighted to note the reappearance of the fireflies. Woo Hoo!

Night shifts are going well. Last night I took a break about 3am and just went outside and sat on a bench for a few minutes. It was still rather hot and humid after an earlier thunderstorm, which reminded me of Singapore. It was a nice feeling, the air was fresh and smelled like rain, but was also like a big warm blanket that snuggled right up. I might have to start taking breaks more often.

The only problem I'm finding with working nights is sleeping days. I'm not getting anything done! I'm awake all night, but can't really get motivated for much. The gym is closed, I can't go anywhere, so I'm watching way too much Food Network. (I've decided that in another life, David would have been the BEST cake decorator ever, that Ace Of Cakes guy has nothing on him.) Anyway, I might have mentioned before, but I'm going back to days on the next schedule to get ready for vacation. I love working nights, but for now I just don't think it is really working for my schedule. I will miss having my weekends off with David, but at least I'll be productive again. I could of course go to scheduling myself on weekdays, but I have a hard time rationalizing getting paid less for working so much harder. That differential is sure making a difference in paying off those student loans! Getting those paid off is my number one financial goal, so I might try going back to nights during the winter when it is too cold to go outside and do anything during the day anyway, although the idea of sleeping through the few hours of daylight makes me wary of whether I could really handle it or not. But that is a decision for another day.

Did I mention? Fireflies!!

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