Saturday, June 7, 2008

Friday night

We've had three patients die on my floor in the past several weeks, which is very unusual. I hope the trend is over. The latest was a poor guy I'd been taking care of for several days, over 70, breathing around 40/min, and eventually it just wore him out. The thing I will remember most about him was the time I went in, and he took my hand and whispered "I love you". I have no idea who he thought he was talking to, as he was very confused the entire time, but still it was pretty darn sweet.

Tomorrow Hillary is giving her concession speech at a museum not far from our house. I totally want to go, but I rather suspect it will be a madhouse, crowded with mostly media-types. As much as she has made me a little mad over the past few months, I still have to admit that when she is on, I still find her very inspiring. I don't like all her policies, and I certainly don't always like her methods. But still, she is a smart woman with a lot to offer under the right circumstances. It will be interesting to see what kind of circumstances develop for her now.

Walked over to the Capitol Building tonight to hear the first of the military band concerts they do on the steps all summer. As a bonus, on the way back we spied our first firefly of the season. Woo Hoo! Simple pleasures.

1 comment:

  1. > and whispered "I love you"...


    I guess it's a good thing to clean out the ol' tear ducts from time to time. I truly admire your ability to do this kind of work. I would be a total wreck all the time!

    You so rock!
