Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A few thoughts

A strange thought came over me last night as I toiled through my second night shift in a row since coming back: April Fools Day passed without a single fool. Now, I for one hate tricks (shut up David, I'm talking here!), so I guess it just shows to go you how sleep addled I can get with multiple night shifts that I actually had a moment of sadness over the quiet passing of a super weird holiday. (When I was a kid my mom used to put green food coloring in the milk, which I always assumed meant I had to dump extra sugar into my cereal to balance it out. The thought of green milk still makes me shudder.)

Other passing thoughts:

1. Southland Tales is a WEIRD movie. We Netflixed it I think only because Fletch of Blog Cabins said it was weird, although now I can't find his review on his site anymore. But while I still have very little idea what the movie was, er, about, I love the movies where the casting director was allowed to, say, populate half his cast with Saturday Night Live alum. I don't know how well it helps the movie, but it can be fun when every other face you see, you are like "Hey, it's THAT guy!". And of course it is always a coup to have the smarts to hire Zelda Rubenstein. My only wish is that the Rock could act, because he actually makes some very interesting choices when he chooses his roles, and like the American Pie guy, he is just so darn likable. But I guess everyone can't be another Beth Grant.

2. As for Idol last week, I'm getting a little tired of rocker David making me like him with awesome performances, when it is clear that I can't like anyone with hair that ugly. On the other hair hand, Brooke finally straightened out that 70's mess on her head and I thought she looked fabulous. But neither of them are making me question my inclination to adopt Archuleta. Yet. However Syesha totally rocked it out, and though I never saw her winning, color me surprised that Ramiele is lasting so long. As for the country chick who never seems to live up to her potential, I mean, what can you say when someone is so calculating that they sing the unimpeachable "Proud To Be An American"? You say, "Well-played, and welcome back next week!" If this were Survivor she would now be my favorite. Heh.

3. In nursing school you hear a lot about "nursing intuition", those times when nothing is obviously wrong with a patient, but you just have a feeling something is wrong. I had that patient the Monday night. He was very lethargic, and would only answer focused direct questions. He respiratory rate at one point climbed to 40 until we lifted the head of his bed to about 55 degrees (he was a very big guy who refused his BiPap). But all his other vitals were in range and the questions he did answer indicated he was oriented and aware. I had the docs come and look at him, and we fiddled a bit but there just wasn't anything concrete to go on. Anyway, last night I came back and they had just finished sending him to the ICU. I didn't get the whole story, but they had finally done an ABG and his pH was 7.25, so I think he is intubated now.

4. I still have a post coming about our vacation, which was awesome. I'll get to it tomorrow, unless Survivor is on tonight again.


  1. Survivor should be airing on Thursday - no basketball this week.

    The search button is your friend, Robb. ;) Here's the review:

    It's the only movie yet that I've awarded two ratings to...what a great/awful trip.

  2. Hey adled brains. We got the prank of the day. Like you I don't like pranks (shut up Jeffrey) however we were fooled good. I am still getting over this one...

    Please respond to my email from yesterday... Please, please, please... :)

  3. Oh goodness, I am on the floor laughing. I made the green milk for my kids, and the little buggers never even opened the fridge in the morning. Frozen waffles for breakfast and water I guess. The 3 older ones leave early. But Haley and Dylan thought it was cool. Now they want green milk everyday. Didn't go over as well as when Mom did it to us when we were kids.


  4. What you're saying about the "nursing intuition" thing is quite true, and I found it serving me well last night. I had a septic fetal demise patient who I watched slowly go downhill all night while we tried to deliver her. The doctor was rather blowing off concerns related to her illness as being attributable to pregnancy or other factors, while the CRNA and I collaborated on orders and labs for her and watched her slowly falling BP and decreasing LOC. Coming back tonight to pick up the next month's schedule, I found out that she had been sent to the ICU in DIC. It's awful for her, but good to know that your senses are right and you can trust that gut "something is going wrong here" feeling.

  5. i still have a hard time with that "intuition" thing. i always second guess myself and think "oh, i'm just being paranoid, he's probably fine". i have to figure out how to sort out my actual intuation from all those doubts.
