Friday, April 18, 2008

Survivor, or how the entitled mighty fall

This will be a shorter blog than usual, cause I have company and will be busy today having awesome fun in the totally gorgeous weather. Luckily they arrived last night from LA and are jetlagged and still asleep, so I had time this morning to watch Survivor. What a way to start what is bound to be a good day. I'm simply giddy with delight. ::evil laugh::

The reward challenge was a good one. I still find schoolyard picks where one person gets left out morally wrong, so if I didn't already love Cirie I'd have some extra good-will for her now. I mean, she was the obvious choice, but still it just sucks for the show to go out of its way to be mean. Also obvious was who was going to win. And they did win, so I can't tell for sure, but I get the feeling that Jason is, well, kinda dumb.

Back at camp James seems to be going out of his way to annoy people, making as much noise as is possible two feet away from his sleeping teammates. I don't care how superior you think you are, pissing people off is not going to make your point in a game like this. Then he has the gall to complain about how his teammates had the gall to complain about him. Life is fun when you never look in a mirror.

On to the immunity challenge. And yes, Jason is dumb. But before that the invisible girls get to show off their inexperience by losing the challenge without benefit of food. The first one was pissed off, which I hate to say it, but it made it even funnier. Then a priceless moment. James is mocking them, and then just as he says "That would suck!" he does the same thing and loses. Ha! Instant replay moment. Jason trusting them not to vote him off was, shall we say, stupid and naive. But I'll at least give him credit for trying something risky. I mean, I'd have given him more credit had he said "sorry but I have to win" (Parvati could have given them the food just as easy), but still, at least he wasn't just giving up like Ozzy and Eric did. Amanda at least had a reason why she had to quit, although had she peed down her leg to win she would have been my favorite Survivor ever. Maybe Eric is secure enough to quit after two minutes for a bowl of candy, but Ozzy was just stupid. I hope his cookie was yummy, because he paid a million bucks for it.

Cirie once again comes through for me and starts a counter plan to Ozzy's vote off Jason plan. Getting rid of Ozzy makes sense on every level, but the true test comes down to Parvati, who has to backstab her alliance to make it happen. She was in a tough spot, does she just let Ozzy walk away with it all, or does she take the gamble and give herself a shot at it? In the end I thought she wasn't going to do it, I thought she'd stay in the safety of Amanda and James. But then, Cirie does tend to get what she wants, doesn't she?

There are many reasons I'm glad Ozzy is gone, his arrogance chief among them. He clearly reads his reviews and believes he is entitled to win. But wow was he angry. Almost as angry when he lost the million dollars to Yul. When Jeff snuffs out his fire, he turns around and gives the death ray eye to everyone left. Remember when Ami was sobbing because she wanted to stay so bad, but before she left she said "Do well guys!". Class. Ozzy: "I don't know who voted me off, but I hate them." Buh-bye.

(Bonus for Ozzy getting voted off: Eliza. And we voted this girl off? I want eye-popping reactions like that every week from now on!!!)

Parvati rolled the dice, and in the end I think the person who stands to benefit most is...Amanda. While voting off Ozzy might give her a little credit with Eliza (who remember was always trying to get rid of Parvati when she had the chance), obviously Ozzy and James would never vote for her. Amanda wouldn't if she ends up on the jury. Probably not Eric either. So while I love that she did it, I really don't see her winning at this point. She is an appeaser, but won't be able to just "make everything" ok" with them after this. She would have to start playing like a Todd and make a very clinical case of why she did it, but I just don't see them buying it from her. So while she currently has some power now, I think her chances of winning is slim. I'm pretty sure James will be a target soon. What is killing me are those invisible girls, who seem impossible to target, yet they can't possibly end up in the end. And Jason? Ugh.

If Cirie makes it to the end, I think she has a good shot. But I think Amanda and Parvati are probably too smart for that. However, here is my newest idea. It is going to be Eric. I say that because, one, everyone seems to want to adopt him. The fans like him, the favorites like him. His charms eluded me for a long time, but I have to admit he is sort of growing on me in an aw-shucks kind of way. And notice that the reward challenge was all about him. Eric relates to the natives, Eric plays with the kids, Eric chews betel-nut and barfs. I mean, it was like he won the challenge all by himself. The last time I remember a reward challenge being edited like that was in Africa, when Ethan was playing soccer with all the cute kids, just a few weeks before he went on to win. Was this the rehabilitate Eric episode? Anything could happen at this point, but for now that is my story and I'm sticking to it.


  1. I can't believe that the Favorites would let a newbie win. I'm hoping they don't anyway, since the only one I can stand is Alexis.

    I still can't get on board with Erik. I think that after these last two episodes that Jason has probably moved ahead of him in terms of "most annoying," and Ozzy's departure should only help to make Erik even more tolerable, but I'd die if he won.

    Cirie certainly has put in the best case for winning at this point, if you ask me, but I just don't want to see that happen, no matter how much she might deserve it. Logic be damned, I'm still rooting for James (though he'll be gone soon, apparently...).

    (And yeah, James was being an ass. He had a point and was pissed about doing all the work, but that was a pretty childish way of dealing with the situation.)

  2. When Cirie was snubbed off to Exile, I was hoping for a "secret immunity idol" scenario but, alas, all we got was a tough nurse out in the rain.

    Immunity Challenge: Maybe I'd feel differently after weeks away from civilization, but I don't think I'd find a donut or a bowl of gummi worms appetizing at this point in the game. Especially not when immunity was at stake. Now a hunk of cheese and bread, a piece of meat, that would grab my attention.

    Have you seem the "Camp Ponderosa" footage online, where the jury lives? It's like junk food heaven. I think I'd get sick if I had to eat chips and candy after weeks of coconuts and fish.

    I can't see how this could possibly work out for Parvati. She stabbed her original alliance in the back. I'd be surprised if she garnered a single vote from a Fav if she makes it to the final three. I bet even Cirie wouldn't vote for her, in the end. So it's likely she will make it all the way through, as she is, for now, the one to go up against as most Slimy Survivor of the Season. You can't play all sides, not even if you're cute.

    I have to say I'm also backing Cirie. Amanda, upright and adorable as she is, just isn't enough of a player for me this time. James is too big of a target to even hope for. I oould live with an Eric win (though I suspect someone out there will find some way to cheat him out of his money by capitalizing on his naivety). I'm officially fond of him after seeing this episode. I'm a sucker for a sweet drunk. He had me from, "I've seen more boobs today than in my entire life!" Someone get that boy to a titty bar....

    If Jason or Alexis or Weird Looking Blond Girl wins, I'll be thoroughly disgusted. Granted, Jason is bringing it to the challenges, but I just can't find anything likable about the dude. He's not even likable in his unlikableness. He's just a dud. Period.
