Monday, February 11, 2008

A defense of Obama

I've been asked to defend Obama more than once, and if he wins the primary and it comes down to him and McCain, I'm sure I will take the time to get more informed to be able to make the argument of why I like him over the Republican. But for now the only person running against Obama is Clinton, and to me the choice is pretty clear. Most of their policy differences are relatively minor, so it comes down to a preference of character, and I much prefer Obama. To me Clinton represents an opportunity to exact sweet partisan revenge on the right for some of the more outrageous things they've done over the past eight (or even sixteen) years. But I'm not one to think revenge tastes all that sweet, and would rather choose someone who has appeal across the aisle and can bring more people together rather than to continue to split us apart.

I hope the "Mama for Obama" is at my caucus next week. :)

In any case, here is a brief article by blogger Matt Yglesias, which casually examines the meme that Obama somehow isn't prepared to be President. Since we are still in the primaries, it is geared mostly towards people choosing between him and Clinton, but any Republicans reading this blog are still welcomed to read it. ::grin::


  1. I have to comment on something you just said. You seem to think that Obama will be able to create some sort of bipartisan coalition if elected president, when in his short time in the Senate he hasn't been able to do anything of the sort. However, Clinton has worked tirelessly with both sides of the Aisle to great success. She has shown that she can meet them in the middle and brings a clearer picture of change. Although I think that both of them will be better for this country then McCain, at this point I am supporting Clinton. She has the experience to turn around the mess that G W has made of this country.

    There's my two cents...

  2. I have a hard time believing that just because Obama doesn't have "experience" he would make a poor president. I would have to research more, but I would venture a guess that good presidents in the past weren't terribly experienced. Our very first, as i am reading in " 1776", was highly inexperienced when he became general and therefore, when he became president.

  3. Rick, what exactly has Hillary achieved in the Senate? Other than authorizing the war in Iraq, and in Iran? Has she authored any major bills? All she has been doing is getting ready to run for president, so has been playing it safe. She will always play it safe. (She recently said some great things about supporting federal recognition of same-sex couples (only from states that recognize them) which is awesome, but I have no doubt she will run far from that once the heat gets turned on, just like Bill did over Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense Of Marriage Act.)

    Obama's power is his larger appeal. With more people behind him, or at least not staunchly against him, he'll be able to get more done.

    And I agree Catharine. Bush had experience, and see how far that got him. It is just one factor amongst many.

  4. Here is a link to a list of bills Hillary has sponsored during her tenure in the Senate:

    Here is a link to a list of bills sponsored by Obama:

    I would like to note that over the course of Hillary's tenure in the Senate she only missed 152 of 2046 votes (6%).

    Where Obama missed 185 out of 1098 votes (17%).

    In two years Obama has missed more Senate votes then Hillary has in eight.

    I would like to point out that Bush was less then a one term Governor who hadn't left the country in fifteen years before taking office. Stating that Hillary supported the war in Iraq is not correct. The Democrats that voted were voting for war as a last effort and voted based on lies told by the Bush administration. Hillary does not, nor has she supported going to war on Iran.

    One more thing, comparing George Washington to a present day candidate is more like comparing apples and fish. You wanted debate in your BLOG is this OK? :)
