The Fang tribe is sad. Very sad. Matty, whom so far has had an appealing underdog quality about him, is getting demoralized by all the losses and is getting cranky. Crystal, with her Olympic Gold Medal tucked in her pocket is clearly someone who is used to winning as well, and is getting paranoid and grumpy. It is hard to watch, because I really liked these guys in the beginning, but all the whining, while totally understandable at this point, just isn't fun to watch. When Crystal spills some rice and then tries to make a martyr out of herself by not eating, it's just like, please, can we vote this team out and put them out of their misery? You know those two are going to be totally embarrassed when they get home.
Anyway, on to a challenge. The keep-away conceit is simple, but unless I'm mistaken at least is something original. Evil Randy is of course really good at it, as is Marcus, and even Bob gives it a really good go. Sugar is useless. I'd love to see the decision making process of why they chose Sugar for that position over, say, Crystal with her big long arms and strength. But instead we just get to see Sugar giggle and run around the field much in the same way, minus the giggling, that I did playing eighth grade gym class basketball - I didn't want to be there and so did the absolute minimum to keep the gym coach off my back. The thing is, I was 13, and I wasn't playing for a million dollar prize. On Jeff Probst's blog, he keeps saying we are going to fall in love with Sugar, and while I do find her adorable, I so far have little reason to enjoy her game playing. Anyway, shocker, Fang loses as quickly as is possible, and the victors take the helicopter ride off into the sunset. I always love the adventure rewards, but this one gets pretty scant screen time. They even squeeze in the letters-from-home reward, which pushes Bob over the edge into hysteric tears, which is both adorable and a little uncomfortable.
I don't really get the idea behind sending Sugar to Exile every time. At this point they must be pretty certain she has the idol. It just seems mean. From a strategic point of view, I guess I understand, but even a heartless "outwit" game enjoyer like me is starting to feel bad. Sugar is spending most of the game all alone, well, alone except the camera man. Not that I guess she is really missing anything fun back at camp, and at least there she gets to stay fat on fruit. But still, it is still pretty heartless.
Challenge #2 is the old barrel-roll. But in a twist we are playing for individual immunity before we merge, and both tribes have to vote someone out. It isn't the biggest twist, but I approve even of minor ones, so this sits fine with me. Plus, we are getting very close to jury selection and still have a lot of excess baggage around. The only thing that strikes me about the barrel roll is how little anyone understands the strategy behind it. Everyone was so focused on keeping their own balance, that they were all too afraid to attack and simply make the other person fall in first. But whatever, watching people fall into water is enjoyable enough, and it still stacked up pretty much in an order you would expect. However I must protest any further challenges where Bob takes off his shirt. Seriously, give that guy an eclair stat.
Kota has to decide between Dan and Susie. My favorite exchange of the season happens with Corrine and Susie. Corrine says, "I just really like you and so wanted to let you know we are voting for Dan." Suzie: "Oh, that is good to know, because, heh heh, I was going to vote for you otherwise." Corrine: "I HATE YOU AND WANT TO STAB YOU IN THE FACE!" This was good for a few reasons. One, it is the first interesting thing Susie has done in seven weeks. Second, it reminds us that while Corrine has been laying low while she's been winning everything, she is clearly out of her mind crazy and hopefully will be contributing more to my enjoyment of the show as the merge approaches and she actually has to start playing. Game. On.
The golden alliance of three replaces poor old Jackie with evil Randy, a move that infuriates me even though I totally understand. You want to take the cranky old guy who no one will vote for to the end. So though none of them are ready to say it yet, I'm sure he is on their short lists for final two. I also get that they don't want to take Bob to the end, since he would probably have a good shot at beating them, but they also don't really seem to trust him, which is something I don't really understand. Probst, you guys gotta do a better job at explaining stuff like that. Anyway, they get paranoid about Dan having the idol, so they split their votes, but Dan still goes home. I liked our Nick Lachey lookalike enough, but I can't say I'm really going to miss him either. I mean, dude wore a tie to tribal. (I also liked Corrine's bedside psych eval of him: "I wonder if he was a fatty growing up, cause he is so needy." Ha!)
On Fang, it quickly comes down to Sugar, who has to decide between Ace and Crystal. She has been totally useless during the game so far, and finally she decides to play in a big way, and votes for Ace. I really didn't see that coming, and this was, for me, the first surprise of the season. FINALLY! I have mixed feelings though, because while it made for a great tribal surprise, and while I've never actually liked Ace, at all, he has been the only player really playing. (Other than Kenny who has done a pretty good job at working Sugar.) I guess you don't know who you really love until they are gone, because I have to say I'm a little sad. But do you know who is going to be really excited? Marcus.
Next week, if I'm reading between the lines, seems to be the merge. Good, cause then Marcus/Charlie/Corrine are going to finally have to start playing. I wonder if their loose alliance with Randy and Bob is going to hold up, or if Kenny will be able to organize against them. Randy hardly needs the help, but he is clearly being set up as the villain, and the only way that ends good is for him to be voted out. I can see him getting too comfy and over-reaching. Let's hope anyway. (Is it bad if I am also hoping he gets eaten by a hippo? OK, maybe just chased? Cause that would be AWESOME. At the very least I'd like another pineapple to the face. Please?)
UPDATE: Follow this link to see a Corrine video confession to some crazy.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
One more...
Holy cow I can't wait until this election is over so I can stop talking about all of this. Sorry to the family, hopefully more fun blogs are upcoming!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Another reason I love me some Mac
No on Prop 8
October 24, 2008
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.
I've never loved my iPod more.
October 24, 2008
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.
I've never loved my iPod more.
Survivor: Gabon, Episode 6 Recap
Well, we reached a critical turning point for me with this episode. As I've been saying, I'm totally into the Marcus/Charlie/Corrine domination. But my heart always goes out to the Matty/Crystal/Kenny underdogs. However I think I'm mostly ready for them to be put out of their misery so the game can move on and get rid of that bastard Randy.
The reward challenge was a familiar one. I actually thought the red tribe had a shot at this. But Kelly was a terrible pace setter, and they proved - again - they are unable to come together as a team. Matty has heart, but I loved it when he was holding about three feet of the skinny part and was screaming at Ace, who was struggling with the bulk of the snake, to hurry up. Crystal again disappoints, although she is still probably one of the stronger female athletes, she just doesn't have the endurance. Get that girl a gel pack stat!
The immunity challenge was more fun, because for a fleeting second it actually seemed like the red tribe was actually going to pull off an upset thanks to Matty and Kenny thinking outside of the box and sprinting over the top of the obstacle. I like that. But - AGAIN - when it comes time to put the puzzle together they all just stand around and watch Ace struggle. ::groan::
Matty seems like a really nice guy. He is even willing to play the game, making a pact with Ace to get to the merge. The thing is, the game part obviously doesn't come naturally to him, or he would have realized that that alliance doesn't help him in any way. He was the one with the power (along with Crystal, Kenny and perhaps Kelly), he should have had Ace crawling to him, not the other way around. He was just so desperate to feel like he was making something happen to better his game, and I just don't think he is wired to understand the complexity of the game part. Too bad, but oh well.
Crystal is weird. But unless the producers are going to have a sprinting challenge, I just don't think she has much more to offer my viewing pleasure. (Note to producers: WHERE IS THE SPRINTING CHALLENGE?!?!) And her breakdown - and I don't mean the crying, I mean her wild overreaction to Kelly - was terribly off-putting.
Kenny - well, I still like Kenny. Go Kenny!
Sugar absolutely mystifies me. Whatever bad I had to say about Matty, multiply it times a hundred for Sugar. Why, tell me, why did she give the idol to Ace? I can't come up with a scenario where that could have possibly made any sense to her. Fortunately Kenny talks some sense into her, so she steals it back, but even this is done with minimal explanation. I don't get her. It was cute that she cried about eating food when her tribe was hungry. I don't really get why Kota keeps sending her to Exile. It's just kind of mean.
Randy can't go soon enough. I will be very sad if he makes it to the jury. He is just awful.
I was, of course, hoping for an surprise Ace vote. Or even Sugar. I have no love for Kelly, but she would have been a very useful tool for Matty and Crystal and Kenny had they had any brains. Clearly they don't. Producers: this is getting boring. Do something. Team decimations are only interesting if you have a breakout character like Stephanie to root for. And even then it was more painful than anything. Merge early, I dunno. And, whatever you do, you had better make sure that Randy gets what is coming to him.
PS - I bag on Ace, cause I think he is full of it, but I have to say he is absolutely the most interesting character on the show at present. He is smarmy and relatively unlikable with a fake Indian-British accent, but at least he is smart and playing. I'm afraid this would all be an unmitigated disaster without him in the mix.
The reward challenge was a familiar one. I actually thought the red tribe had a shot at this. But Kelly was a terrible pace setter, and they proved - again - they are unable to come together as a team. Matty has heart, but I loved it when he was holding about three feet of the skinny part and was screaming at Ace, who was struggling with the bulk of the snake, to hurry up. Crystal again disappoints, although she is still probably one of the stronger female athletes, she just doesn't have the endurance. Get that girl a gel pack stat!
The immunity challenge was more fun, because for a fleeting second it actually seemed like the red tribe was actually going to pull off an upset thanks to Matty and Kenny thinking outside of the box and sprinting over the top of the obstacle. I like that. But - AGAIN - when it comes time to put the puzzle together they all just stand around and watch Ace struggle. ::groan::
Matty seems like a really nice guy. He is even willing to play the game, making a pact with Ace to get to the merge. The thing is, the game part obviously doesn't come naturally to him, or he would have realized that that alliance doesn't help him in any way. He was the one with the power (along with Crystal, Kenny and perhaps Kelly), he should have had Ace crawling to him, not the other way around. He was just so desperate to feel like he was making something happen to better his game, and I just don't think he is wired to understand the complexity of the game part. Too bad, but oh well.
Crystal is weird. But unless the producers are going to have a sprinting challenge, I just don't think she has much more to offer my viewing pleasure. (Note to producers: WHERE IS THE SPRINTING CHALLENGE?!?!) And her breakdown - and I don't mean the crying, I mean her wild overreaction to Kelly - was terribly off-putting.
Kenny - well, I still like Kenny. Go Kenny!
Sugar absolutely mystifies me. Whatever bad I had to say about Matty, multiply it times a hundred for Sugar. Why, tell me, why did she give the idol to Ace? I can't come up with a scenario where that could have possibly made any sense to her. Fortunately Kenny talks some sense into her, so she steals it back, but even this is done with minimal explanation. I don't get her. It was cute that she cried about eating food when her tribe was hungry. I don't really get why Kota keeps sending her to Exile. It's just kind of mean.
Randy can't go soon enough. I will be very sad if he makes it to the jury. He is just awful.
I was, of course, hoping for an surprise Ace vote. Or even Sugar. I have no love for Kelly, but she would have been a very useful tool for Matty and Crystal and Kenny had they had any brains. Clearly they don't. Producers: this is getting boring. Do something. Team decimations are only interesting if you have a breakout character like Stephanie to root for. And even then it was more painful than anything. Merge early, I dunno. And, whatever you do, you had better make sure that Randy gets what is coming to him.
PS - I bag on Ace, cause I think he is full of it, but I have to say he is absolutely the most interesting character on the show at present. He is smarmy and relatively unlikable with a fake Indian-British accent, but at least he is smart and playing. I'm afraid this would all be an unmitigated disaster without him in the mix.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
You've been served.
How long before the election for Presidency becomes a reality show on CBS? Not soon enough I say!
Hat tip: Josh
Monday, October 20, 2008
Still hungry for Tso's
This was the slowest weekend I've ever worked. We started out with empty beds on the unit, so I only had three patients instead of the usual four. By the end of the day Sunday, all but one nurse was down to two patients, which is crazy, and still the ER was totally empty. I go back again tonight, and while I expect there will have been a bunch of admissions today, I'm still wondering what to expect. Hopefully they won't send a nurse home, cause then you run the risk of getting new admissions and suddenly your slow night turns into a 5 patient night.
Some wheels are turning to let me spend a day on the inpatient psych ward. No, not as a patient, the cooling air may have my goat but it hasn't rendered me insane. Yet. Hmmm. Is having someone's goat really an expression, or did I just totally make that up?
We tried to get some General Tso's chicken last night only to find that my favorite local Chinese place was closed. There was paper over the windows, but when I peered in I could see remodeling going on. I am just praying they are sprucing the place up, because if they close and I have no more local access to my Tso's, then life just got a whole lot sadder.
Some wheels are turning to let me spend a day on the inpatient psych ward. No, not as a patient, the cooling air may have my goat but it hasn't rendered me insane. Yet. Hmmm. Is having someone's goat really an expression, or did I just totally make that up?
We tried to get some General Tso's chicken last night only to find that my favorite local Chinese place was closed. There was paper over the windows, but when I peered in I could see remodeling going on. I am just praying they are sprucing the place up, because if they close and I have no more local access to my Tso's, then life just got a whole lot sadder.
Friday, October 17, 2008
John McCain Roasts Obama Alfred E. Smith Charity Dinner
You gotta watch these videos, about ten minutes each. Both of them are very funny. I wish there was more funny in politics. I would have watched more of the debates if it were a little more like this. lol

I think it helped a lot that we were there at a perfect time of year. The weather was perfect, the trees were just starting to turn which was gorgeous, and it wasn't as crowded as I'm sure it gets in the summer months, and this all helped take away some of the creepiness of places like the Wheatfield and Devil's Den.

We went on what really was a pretty bad ghost tour once it got dark. Our guide was very charismatic and fun, but couldn't tell a good story to save his life. I guess I'm doomed to be a theatre critic for the rest of my life, but David and I just giggled to each other at every tortured segue. It was still fun to be out and about at night, and I never turn my nose up at a walk, so overall it was a lot of fun. But still I was hoping for something actually, you know, scary.
We had some really good apples. And french fries. And homemade chocolates. One store had a bag of "chocolate babies", which was a bag of chocolate in the shape of little babies. I couldn't decide if it was funny or creepy. (We didn't buy them.)

As usual, had a great time with my family. Even if my mom popped the air mattress. ::grin:: You're welcome back anytime!
Survivor: Gabon, Episode 5 Recap
Apologies to anyone who cares that I missed recapping last weeks episode. I was busy being awed by killer assassin bugs up at Gettysburg. Seriously. I will say that I was bummed Jacqui got the boot, if only because, unlike Kenny, I think she is way hotter than Kelly. However, Kenny was still very smart to pick Kelly - assuming her apparent uselessness at challenges doesn't doom them, she is the perfect flip vote to get you ahead. Too bad I don't like her - what was up when she was badmouthing Crystal at tribal? Um, calling out your hoped-for alliance doesn't seem all that smart girlie. Just saying.
But bygones are bygones, and lets get to last nights episode. Note to producers: an elephant across the way "near" camp isn't nearly as interesting as you seem to think it is. While I personally would love to see a wild elephant that close, you spent an awfully long time - time that could have been devoted to revealing how pathetic GC is, for example - sitting around ooohhing and aaahhhing at an elephant way off in the bushes. I'm sure it was dramatic in person, on TV, not so much. I know you feel like you have to prove that Africa is indeed awesome, but don't worry, I'm already sold. Until the elephant starts knocking their shelter over, I'm just not that interested. Amanda catching a shark was way better.
I'm convinced Ace has a fake accent. It just comes and goes in intensity. However he must have lived abroad at some point, because his use of language is a little fancy. After watching the pathetic GC get into an argument with Crystal over nothing, he says "Watching them fall apart is very pleasurable". Do you know what else is pleasurable Ace? Watching you get a shield to the face in the challenge. Do you know what was even more pleasurable? Watching you get a pineapple and a half a watermelon in the face at the same time. I know Nick Lachey didn't do that on purpose, but it was awesome. I give you credit for being a good athlete, and unlike some at least you are playing the game. You are just not doing it in a way that makes me like you. Like at all.
I can't wrap my head around Sugar. I like her, she is adorable. But her game is pretty weak, which means I can't totally get behind her.
The only thing I have to say about GC isn't even about him. It is about noting that there is very obviously a racist producer on Survivor. Season after season, we get a totally lame young black guy. Gervais, Clarence, the king of them all quitter Osten, I know there are more but they are rarely that memorable because they end up leaving so quickly, or like the guy who stole Yau-Man's car last a long time despite being totally lame because everyone knows they aren't a threat. There are plenty of awesome young black guys out there. Could we please hire one of them sometime? I mean, really.
Did anyone notice, and I'm sure you did because the cameras were loving it too, at just how much love Marcus was giving Charlie after the fruit challenge? Charlie is in heaven right now. Marcus is either just a very touchy-feely kind of guy (he did have an arm around Nick Lachey too at one point), or else he is brilliantly manipulating Charlie into become a disciple. At this point I can't tell which it is, but either way I am totally ready for Marcus to win it all.
I find myself rooting for Crystal and Kenny and Matty, because I'm always drawn to the underdogs. But I also want Marcus and Corrine and Charlie to win. So I guess I've got torn allegiances at this point. I was VERY happy to see GC go, even if it would have been more interesting to see Sugar get surprised. But here is what I never really get. Everyone always totally freaks out when they find out someone has the idol. "OH NOES! Sugar is so powerful now!" Look at it this way. Right now you have almost as much power, because you know she has it. If you blindside her, the idol goes back out there and who knows who will get it? Remember the Four Horseman, who thought they had all the power until they were totally tricked by the people who knew they had it? Chill out about the idol for now. And after that tribal, Sugar pretty much knows that you know, which will mean lots of fun second-guessing intrigue at the next tribal you go to (which presumably will be next week), which means lots of fun for a game-player like me.
I know there is no way this season is going to measure up to last season, which was the best season ever. But there is still plenty going on for addicts like me. But I will admit, beyond the fruit to the face, my favorite moment was the intro promo, when with the aid of some CGI Jeff breathed fire that formed "Survivor". He is so awesome.
But bygones are bygones, and lets get to last nights episode. Note to producers: an elephant across the way "near" camp isn't nearly as interesting as you seem to think it is. While I personally would love to see a wild elephant that close, you spent an awfully long time - time that could have been devoted to revealing how pathetic GC is, for example - sitting around ooohhing and aaahhhing at an elephant way off in the bushes. I'm sure it was dramatic in person, on TV, not so much. I know you feel like you have to prove that Africa is indeed awesome, but don't worry, I'm already sold. Until the elephant starts knocking their shelter over, I'm just not that interested. Amanda catching a shark was way better.
I'm convinced Ace has a fake accent. It just comes and goes in intensity. However he must have lived abroad at some point, because his use of language is a little fancy. After watching the pathetic GC get into an argument with Crystal over nothing, he says "Watching them fall apart is very pleasurable". Do you know what else is pleasurable Ace? Watching you get a shield to the face in the challenge. Do you know what was even more pleasurable? Watching you get a pineapple and a half a watermelon in the face at the same time. I know Nick Lachey didn't do that on purpose, but it was awesome. I give you credit for being a good athlete, and unlike some at least you are playing the game. You are just not doing it in a way that makes me like you. Like at all.
I can't wrap my head around Sugar. I like her, she is adorable. But her game is pretty weak, which means I can't totally get behind her.
The only thing I have to say about GC isn't even about him. It is about noting that there is very obviously a racist producer on Survivor. Season after season, we get a totally lame young black guy. Gervais, Clarence, the king of them all quitter Osten, I know there are more but they are rarely that memorable because they end up leaving so quickly, or like the guy who stole Yau-Man's car last a long time despite being totally lame because everyone knows they aren't a threat. There are plenty of awesome young black guys out there. Could we please hire one of them sometime? I mean, really.
Did anyone notice, and I'm sure you did because the cameras were loving it too, at just how much love Marcus was giving Charlie after the fruit challenge? Charlie is in heaven right now. Marcus is either just a very touchy-feely kind of guy (he did have an arm around Nick Lachey too at one point), or else he is brilliantly manipulating Charlie into become a disciple. At this point I can't tell which it is, but either way I am totally ready for Marcus to win it all.
I find myself rooting for Crystal and Kenny and Matty, because I'm always drawn to the underdogs. But I also want Marcus and Corrine and Charlie to win. So I guess I've got torn allegiances at this point. I was VERY happy to see GC go, even if it would have been more interesting to see Sugar get surprised. But here is what I never really get. Everyone always totally freaks out when they find out someone has the idol. "OH NOES! Sugar is so powerful now!" Look at it this way. Right now you have almost as much power, because you know she has it. If you blindside her, the idol goes back out there and who knows who will get it? Remember the Four Horseman, who thought they had all the power until they were totally tricked by the people who knew they had it? Chill out about the idol for now. And after that tribal, Sugar pretty much knows that you know, which will mean lots of fun second-guessing intrigue at the next tribal you go to (which presumably will be next week), which means lots of fun for a game-player like me.
I know there is no way this season is going to measure up to last season, which was the best season ever. But there is still plenty going on for addicts like me. But I will admit, beyond the fruit to the face, my favorite moment was the intro promo, when with the aid of some CGI Jeff breathed fire that formed "Survivor". He is so awesome.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Vacation over, back to work
My parents and uncle were here this week, so I've got some bloggable events to talk about, but I work the next two nights, so check back in a few days. Also I know by the time I get some time to blog it will be time for another episode of Survivor, so I know this will depress you all but I might not have much to say about the latest episode, which I just watched this morning. But I gotta grab some dinner before heading off to my night shift, so no time now.
But while we were out in Pennsylvania, David and I spotted a huge and awesome assassin bug. Remember the movie "Starship Troopers" where those big bugs stuck the tubes into people heads and sucked out their brains? Well that is pretty much what these bugs do. Sadly it wasn't eating at the time we saw it, but we did get to scare a young boy scout when he asked us if the bug could bite. So, that day rocked.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I love the 80s
For all you fans of the 80s, here is the fabulous "Take On Me" video from A-ha, only the words to the song have been changed to reflect what is actually happening in the video. You know how I enjoy the funny.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
[title of show] is the best thing since laughing
David and I took a very quick run up to NYC this weekend. The goal: see the Broadway production of [title of show]. David saw the show in 2004 at the then brand new NY Musical Theatre Festival, and since then this company of four have taken their destiny in their own hands and through a genius combination of talent and self-promotion managed to find Broadway producers. I am in awe of them. The show was supes fun, full of laughs and inside jokes, but at its most powerful as a mirror saying "Yes, you can!".
For more insidery fun, who sits in front of us but Jen Cody and Hunter Foster (it was funny watching him not react when the show starts talking about his sister Sutton), and in front of them was John Patrick Shanley. Behind us somewhere was Mamie Duncan-Gibbs, who must have been there with a few friends because they all hooted when she was mentioned.
I'll admit it made me really miss the Broadway community. I'm quite confident that we made the right decision in leaving NY when we did, it was far too much of a sacrifice to have continued. But at its best, it was pretty darn awesome, and these [tos] kids are awesome for making their dreams come true.
We'd sort of planned on seeing a matinee, but nothing at TKTS really caught our imagination. We'd wanted to see "Billy Elliot", which is still in previews, but we balked at the $136 ticket. $136!! We were staying with our good friend Tommy, and instead e decided to slum it at the movies instead, and saw Bill Maher's "Religulous". I always take these kinds of one-sided "documentaries" with a grain of salt, as he "interviews" ordinary people who have no chance of debating someone as smart as him, or, in some cases, as even coming across as half-intelligent. But, in its best moments, he makes a compelling argument for the virtues of doubt. In a world where we have psuedo-religious political leaders who campaign on "never blinking" and are incapable of ever admitting to a mistake, I find the argument powerful and comforting. (I'm sure Maher is super disappointed that he finished shooting the movie before Sarah Palin entered the stage, because I'm sure he'd have plenty to say about her religious views.) But still, the movie isn't for anyone.
The trip was too fast to plan any time to see any of our other NY friends. Next time we come back we'll have to have a little par-tay somewhere. We had a way too fast breakfast with Tiffany Sunday morning before catching our bus back to DC, but it was just that, way too fast. I miss you Tiffany!!
So I worked last night and I found out that a 26 year old patient we've been seeing on our floor on and off for several months finally passed away on Sunday. She was very sick and in lots of pain, and I'm relieved that she isn't suffering like that anymore. But still it is so sad, no one that young should be that sick. It had been a week since I'd seen her last, just poking my head in her room when I was leaving. I sometimes try and say goodbye to people I know even if I'm not taking care of them that shift. I'm not always very good at it, but in this case I'm glad I did, because the last thing I will remember about her is a smile.
My parents and Uncle Rod are coming for the week to hang out. We're headed to Gettysberg this weekend which will be fun. I don't really know what we will do until then, but those things have a way of working out. And, no pressure guys, but it had better be fun because we've had to say "no" to no less than four couchsurfers, whom all seemed really fun and interesting. ::grin::
For more insidery fun, who sits in front of us but Jen Cody and Hunter Foster (it was funny watching him not react when the show starts talking about his sister Sutton), and in front of them was John Patrick Shanley. Behind us somewhere was Mamie Duncan-Gibbs, who must have been there with a few friends because they all hooted when she was mentioned.
I'll admit it made me really miss the Broadway community. I'm quite confident that we made the right decision in leaving NY when we did, it was far too much of a sacrifice to have continued. But at its best, it was pretty darn awesome, and these [tos] kids are awesome for making their dreams come true.
We'd sort of planned on seeing a matinee, but nothing at TKTS really caught our imagination. We'd wanted to see "Billy Elliot", which is still in previews, but we balked at the $136 ticket. $136!! We were staying with our good friend Tommy, and instead e decided to slum it at the movies instead, and saw Bill Maher's "Religulous". I always take these kinds of one-sided "documentaries" with a grain of salt, as he "interviews" ordinary people who have no chance of debating someone as smart as him, or, in some cases, as even coming across as half-intelligent. But, in its best moments, he makes a compelling argument for the virtues of doubt. In a world where we have psuedo-religious political leaders who campaign on "never blinking" and are incapable of ever admitting to a mistake, I find the argument powerful and comforting. (I'm sure Maher is super disappointed that he finished shooting the movie before Sarah Palin entered the stage, because I'm sure he'd have plenty to say about her religious views.) But still, the movie isn't for anyone.
The trip was too fast to plan any time to see any of our other NY friends. Next time we come back we'll have to have a little par-tay somewhere. We had a way too fast breakfast with Tiffany Sunday morning before catching our bus back to DC, but it was just that, way too fast. I miss you Tiffany!!
So I worked last night and I found out that a 26 year old patient we've been seeing on our floor on and off for several months finally passed away on Sunday. She was very sick and in lots of pain, and I'm relieved that she isn't suffering like that anymore. But still it is so sad, no one that young should be that sick. It had been a week since I'd seen her last, just poking my head in her room when I was leaving. I sometimes try and say goodbye to people I know even if I'm not taking care of them that shift. I'm not always very good at it, but in this case I'm glad I did, because the last thing I will remember about her is a smile.
My parents and Uncle Rod are coming for the week to hang out. We're headed to Gettysberg this weekend which will be fun. I don't really know what we will do until then, but those things have a way of working out. And, no pressure guys, but it had better be fun because we've had to say "no" to no less than four couchsurfers, whom all seemed really fun and interesting. ::grin::
Friday, October 3, 2008
Survivor: Gabon, Episode 3
I love the way in these early episodes that they don't even try to be subtle about foreshadowing who is going to lose the challenges. One conflict is set up, and that conflict is explored all the way through tribal council. Because really that is what I want to see. Not the conflict itself, per se, but the interactions between people. I'm just trying to get to know people. One more throwaway week to go where someone starts talking and you start and say "Who the heck is that and why have I never seen them before?", and then we'll be in good territory again.
So lets see. Ace is not growing on me. I am a big lover of accented people, but at one point I turned to David and said "Is his accent real?", and then two seconds later someone on the show made the exact same comment. Sometimes it sounds British, and sometimes it sounds, well, that kind of British that you hear in India, if that makes any sense. Which to me = fake. Also he is acting extremely cocky considering his entire alliance consists of Sugar.
Sugar, however, is growing on me, despite her bad taste in men. Not that I expect many great things from her, but it was enjoyable when she was attacked by ants. And anyone who finds the idol gets a point from me, even if it did seem on the easy side (Nick Lachey must be so sad after seeing last nights episode.) Question: Did she really come close to an elephant in the jungle or was that just "clever" editing?
The first challenge was kinda boring, I always cringe a little at the wrestling challenges. But what jumped out at me was that the Gold Medalist finally looked like an athlete. She must have gotten some new, lighter shoes or something, because she totally outperformed GQ, or whatever his name is. Last week I was giving him the benefit of the doubt as he was put in a hard position with the whole "be our leader" thing. But he seems intent on fulfilling the typical quota of the lazy African American man position. I don't know why the producers seem to love that "type", but they've had one almost every season the show has been on. And anyone who takes breaks during the challenge is to be mocked, period.
But this weeks battle is about Ace vs Paloma. Frankly I didn't really care much. Paloma seems nice enough, but I don't know her well enough to root for her. And while I doubt I will ever have a warm feeling towards someone who is speaking in a fake accent (what kind of strategy is that?), at least he has the potential of being a game changer. Especially now that he has the idol. However the look on his face when he got his second vote was priceless.
I will give Paloma credit for approaching the bitch pharmaceutical rep, I forget her name, but doesn't she look a lot like Erin Moran? And in a good way. Anyway, I like that she sort of seems to be running the show over at alliance land. When she is talking to the gay boy and he gushes "You are so smart!" I laughed out loud, but also appreciate his game. I bet she LOVES hearing that. But I can't wait for her and doctor-boy turn on each other, because that will be awesome. So for now, I want them to the end.
Oh, also props to the video game guy for coming from behind to win the math puzzle. That win was earned. I can see him totally growing on me, even though he lost his girlfriend already. They are going to have to get rid of the other old lady soon, but that wedding video guy is really annoying. Along with GQ, that team is pretty much a mess. But I'm glad they are winning some and aren't just getting decimated.
I'm very curious about next weeks "rate your team" challenge. It is pretty early for something like that, so that is bound to shake things up. We'll see how smart the bitch is after all.
So lets see. Ace is not growing on me. I am a big lover of accented people, but at one point I turned to David and said "Is his accent real?", and then two seconds later someone on the show made the exact same comment. Sometimes it sounds British, and sometimes it sounds, well, that kind of British that you hear in India, if that makes any sense. Which to me = fake. Also he is acting extremely cocky considering his entire alliance consists of Sugar.
Sugar, however, is growing on me, despite her bad taste in men. Not that I expect many great things from her, but it was enjoyable when she was attacked by ants. And anyone who finds the idol gets a point from me, even if it did seem on the easy side (Nick Lachey must be so sad after seeing last nights episode.) Question: Did she really come close to an elephant in the jungle or was that just "clever" editing?
The first challenge was kinda boring, I always cringe a little at the wrestling challenges. But what jumped out at me was that the Gold Medalist finally looked like an athlete. She must have gotten some new, lighter shoes or something, because she totally outperformed GQ, or whatever his name is. Last week I was giving him the benefit of the doubt as he was put in a hard position with the whole "be our leader" thing. But he seems intent on fulfilling the typical quota of the lazy African American man position. I don't know why the producers seem to love that "type", but they've had one almost every season the show has been on. And anyone who takes breaks during the challenge is to be mocked, period.
But this weeks battle is about Ace vs Paloma. Frankly I didn't really care much. Paloma seems nice enough, but I don't know her well enough to root for her. And while I doubt I will ever have a warm feeling towards someone who is speaking in a fake accent (what kind of strategy is that?), at least he has the potential of being a game changer. Especially now that he has the idol. However the look on his face when he got his second vote was priceless.
I will give Paloma credit for approaching the bitch pharmaceutical rep, I forget her name, but doesn't she look a lot like Erin Moran? And in a good way. Anyway, I like that she sort of seems to be running the show over at alliance land. When she is talking to the gay boy and he gushes "You are so smart!" I laughed out loud, but also appreciate his game. I bet she LOVES hearing that. But I can't wait for her and doctor-boy turn on each other, because that will be awesome. So for now, I want them to the end.
Oh, also props to the video game guy for coming from behind to win the math puzzle. That win was earned. I can see him totally growing on me, even though he lost his girlfriend already. They are going to have to get rid of the other old lady soon, but that wedding video guy is really annoying. Along with GQ, that team is pretty much a mess. But I'm glad they are winning some and aren't just getting decimated.
I'm very curious about next weeks "rate your team" challenge. It is pretty early for something like that, so that is bound to shake things up. We'll see how smart the bitch is after all.
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