Thursday, September 4, 2008

I earned my paycheck this weekend

I picked up some more overtime this weekend, working four days in a row. I figured, hey, it is a holiday weekend, so it should be nice and quiet. WRONG! We were lousy with doctors running around writing new orders, which sucked but was also good in many cases because through some weird convergence the patients on the floor were unusually heavy. And by heavy I don't mean fat (although some of them were), but everyone was very sick with lots of stuff going on. One lady was pooping blood, one guy had to get a paracentesis at the bedside to drain 5 liters of fluid out of his abdomen, one guy was rejecting a pancreas transplant so was on an insulin drip that his blood sugar checked every hour, one guy started turning blue and had to be intubated and rushed off to the ICU, it was just non-stop. Oh, and then there was the lady with the ostomy, and some brilliant med student managed to open it up (why? who knows) and dump out the green pre-poop all over her bed. She was so mad at him, as was I, and he was trying to cover up his fear with fake confidence that was a little annoying, but at least he stuck around until it was all cleaned up so I'll give him credit there.

I've been trying to keep up with the blogosphere, where everybody is all talking about Palin. I tried watching her speech, but considering the effort it took for me to pay attention to all 45 minutes of Obama's speech, whom I generally agree with, there was no way I had it in me to suffer through hers. I really hope she doesn't turn out to be the lightweight so many people seem to think she is. I mean, the McCain team has been a disaster at rolling her introduction out, and I do feel sorry for her family. So I do hope she has more to bring to the table than just her creepy evangelical appeal, because I'm uncomfortable watching otherwise nice people fail so publicly. I just can't wait until next week when all this obnoxious convention posturing is over and done with.

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