Friday, November 7, 2008

Survivor: Gabon, Episode 8 Recap

Let's cut right to the chase today. The merge feast was boring. I still don't quite understand why people attribute so much power to the immunity idols. Yes, it is better to have one than not to have one, but only if no one knows you have one. So the one hidden on the beach? Not nearly as interesting as the producers thought it was. Yes, everyone sitting there wants it. But no one is going to take it, as it would only put a huge target on their backs. Had someone been brave enough to take it for themselves, well, that might have been interesting. But no one did. Marcus was patting himself on the back for throwing it into the sea, which I didn't really understand. And Randy is an utter jackass. I want him gone so bad, I hate him I hate him I hate him, and not in a good Rich Hatch or Godfather Rob kind of way.

Overall this episode wasn't as good as it should have been, and overall I have to blame casting, although I guess it is all a matter of circumstance how things turn out. But there were a few things I enjoyed:

#1. Marcus listing the reasons Crystal isn't a good athlete, starting with "She can't run fast." Devastating.

#2. The challenge showdown between Matty and Bob. Matty has heart, there is no denying it, and his girl giggles were hysterical. Also: WHY is Bob not a favorite to win this thing? The camera ignores him, the other players don't seem to particularly trust or like him, and I just don't get it. To me he is one of the most interesting players there and has been from the very beginning. What gives?

#3. Marcus getting voted off. While I didn't like the outcome (see below), a blindside is always more interesting, and even though it was premeditated I didn't think Susie was brave enough to make a big move like that. I have to give Crystal props for making it happen, and while it seems strange to be giving props to Crystal for anything, this was definitely her doing.

#4. Corrine, Randy and Charlie being "pretty sure" that Sugar doesn't have the idol. Wow they must really think she is stupid. I mean, she kind of is, but how many times have they sent her to exile now? Why would you even consider that she doesn't have it?

Hmm, that might be it. As for things I didn't like:

#1. Sugar crying about voting Ace off. Drove me nuts. If you can't own your game, you don't deserve to be there.

#2. Randy. I hate him I hate him I hate him. But I have to wonder how much of that is for the camera after Matty said "Randy is a good guy." It is possible that Matty is just that stupid. But it gives me pause. Corrine is obviously working it for the camera too, so maybe Randy is just playing a role here. Still, it is very off-putting.

#3. Like I said, the hidden idol at the feast was a total bust. Too bad, because had it worked out differently it might have been very interesting. As it was, not so much.

#4. Marcus getting voted off. He is a natural leader, and I liked having him around. Susie voting him off was less a grand strategy on her part and more just feeling her moment of power and wielding it with abandon. (I wonder if she is going to cry about it next week? Heh) Coming from such a dominant team, Marcus never really had to prove himself, so I can't get too upset really. But I just liked him. Oh, it was also awesome when Bob basically said "If I'd known last week that this was going to happen, I would have voted Susie off instead of Dan." I'm not sure exactly why, at that moment, he thought that would have been better, but it was an interesting thing to say right in front of her.)

Things I am way excited about next week? Seeing Corrine and Charley react to no Marcus. It is going to be awesome. Will Corrine murder Susie on the spot? Will Charlie break down into tears? The possibilities are as endless as they are delicious.

Without a merge, Matty is in big trouble. I wonder if this is going to be a season where our final three is Crystal, Susie and Randy. ::sigh:: There is no way to tell how it is going to work out, but at this point I have to say my favorites are Kenny, Corrine and Bob, with Matty close behind, but I don't really see a way for them all to survive that long.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect.

    You and I are essentially on the same wavelength this season.

    I didn't have a problem with Marcus, but I was THRILLED to see it go down the way it did, and I thought of you when it happened because it was such a strong move (even though it was blatantly obvious to everyone but Susie, at least she had the stones to go through with it). Of course, I still want her gone immediately.

    I like Matty a lot, but wasn't a fan of his chiding during the challenge. Big big big ups to Bob (I don't get the Bob hate, either; he's my 2nd fave after Matty) for doing as well as he did.

    Should be good tonight...
