Saturday, March 15, 2008

Survivor, or the meek shall inherit (almost)

First let's just take another moment to revel in the sweetness that is the now Joel-less Survivor. Ahhhh.

After a string of totally awesome episodes, I guess it was inevitable that one would come along with the potential to ruin everything. Fortunately things didn't get as bad as they could have, but I am not pleased with Penner's exit. It screws up the game in too many ways, not to mention is the exit of yet another strong player. I'm all for the weaklings using the outwit card as far as they can take it, but this gives them an unfair advantage. Also, even though he was sometimes annoying, he was still entertaining. I didn't care as much that season when Papa Smurf got hurt, because he was boring anyway, but Penner has been a big player this game. We had better never see that challenge again. I'm all for challenges being physically tough, but the producers need to take more precautions to make sure people don't get hurt like that, because it just sucks.

Heh. Jason found the fake idol. Please, TV Gods, let that be fun.

This is my problem with the fans vs favorites concept. I like the favorites, but of the fans the only one I like is Tracy. It comes off a little obnoxious, but I totally understand when the Favorites are all complaining about not wanting to teach the Fans how to play the game and not just be lazy. The Favorites are all the cream of the crop of their respective seasons, while the fans, well, don't seem to have much cream to begin with. I'm all for people mixing things up, and I think Ami is smart to consider switching sides, and normally I would be rooting hard for her to do so. But I absolutely cannot stand Chet anymore. He is in way over his head at this point, I don't think he is a bad person or anything like Joel, but at least Joel was prepared to play hard. So when they started talking about voting Ozzy off, I started getting sick to my stomach.

Well, back up, why are we even having tribal if we got rid of Penner? I immediately started hoping that maybe Penner was coming back post-surgery, but it didn't happen. I certainly hated it when the Boy Scout lady got to come back after being voted off, but especially since Penner's team didn't go to tribal, if he comes back next week I'd be down with that. Pipe dream, I know.

I hated the challenge. I mean, props to James for thinking outside the box. But blowouts like that are boring TV, again the producers created another bad challenge. And again, the whole time I'm thinking, why are we even having a tribal anyway?? Are they really going to just eliminate an entire episode from the season?

Chet, who is apparently as unlucky as he is boring, is apparently injured, which sucks for him because of how lamely it compares to Penner's injury. So he asks to be voted off. If I hadn't been completely over him for so long, I still would have been annoyed with this, but as it is I can't stand it. And his teammates are, of course, trying to plot with him and Ami to stay in the game. Which I respect, but blondie is reduced to outright begging. If they had stuck with Cirie as their target I may have been slightly more sympathetic, but all I'm thinking is that if Chet stays and Ozzy goes, how can I possibly be ok with that universe? My aggravation level is high.

Fortunately Chet does not discover some hidden well of courage, and goes, so my universe is saved from implosion. Oh, I was too busy being relieved, but did anyone notice who he voted for? Just curious.

At this point I'm kind of bummed at where the game is heading. With Penner gone, I'm really afraid Eliza will band with the Fan girls and vote off James. (Which, frankly, Penner might have done as well.) At least I don't see Ami switching up at this point, too dangerous when it would just be a tie-breaker vote. I hate to say it, but I hope Ozzy starts throwing challenges to save James. But then, who do I love more, James or Tracy? That is a hard question to answer.

All this angst in a season where somebody HAS A FAKE IMMUNITY IDOL!! I bet it doesn't play out as deliciously as I want it to, but still, that is pretty awesome.


  1. More importantly, did you see who Tracy voted for? Odd. That's twice now (the Joel/Mary thing) where people have campaigned for one person to get votes, only for that person not to do what we'd been shown to think they would do. Weird.

    Yeah, if they'd gotten rid of Ozzy, that would have been bad, but at least it would have given us more to love about Tracy. As it is, she'll more than likely be gone soon, but hopefully Ice Cream Boy can go first (and Kathy before him).

    I was glad to see Immunity/Tribal - I hate it when the audience gets shorted just because someone is forced to leave.

  2. Dude, so you are rooting for Tracy over Ozzy? I really have corrupted you with the outwit vs outplay thing, haven't I? lol

    I get your point about the boringness of a tribal-less episode, but you know the series in contracted for a certain number of episodes. I'd rather skip a tribal than be subject to a second recap episode. I could care less about "never before seen!" footage. Out of order and out of context I just don't care.

  3. I hope you are still reading posts to your latest Survivor missive. This has nothing to do with the show, but I think you and David have a great reason to travel to Indonesia to check this out:

    Maybe there could be a Survivor segment there.

  4. I was so sad to see Jonathan go. But not as sad as Kathy. OMG she is completely over-the-top. Having some ortho nursing experience under my belt, I was impressed with his injury and would be surprised if he made a quick come-back. Something like that requires a week or two of hospitalization and IV antibiotics, and maybe a repeat I&D to drain and flush it out again. I would be really surprised if we see him again. But if anyone deserves to come back in, it's Penner. He played with such heart this time.

    Was so glad to see Chet exit the game (I was also quaking in my boots that Ozzy was going to be duped). The fact Chet didn't try to shake the game up and just shuffled off the screen like a complacent bovine was even more justification for him as a contender for Most-Pitiful-Survivor-Character-EVER.

    I think I've already said it, but the Fans v. Favs hasn't been a good formula for me. I barely know any favs names, and have almost no interest let alone attachment to any of them so far.

    Still, Fans v. Favs Survivor is better than no Survivor at all....

  5. I agree the formula is weak. But I guess it was something they had to try.

    Heh, Kathy really was sad. Now we know why, she was jealous that he got to go home! lol I wonder if it was his exit that put the thought into her head that she could quit.

    Mom, I followed your link. Indonesia is awesome, and Survivor has indeed been there. I feel like I see articles like that every month or so, they are always discovering new species in those jungles. I just need to go back myself!
