Friday, November 20, 2009

More packing

Yesterday I had what, for me, comes as close to a "bad day" as it gets. Just feeling a little overwhelmed with so much to do, with a million little decisions that aren't really so important, but added together made me feel like I was on the verge of accidentally parking in front of a fire hydrant or something. Deep breath, keep packing, move on.

And packing indeed. I'm now worried that we are packing so well that the pod is going to be too heavy. So the duality of my nature is having an epic battle, with one half of me wanting to save as much as possible just in case (or just because we can), and the other side wanting to toss everything that is not required to sustain life. If someone could film the fight going on in my brain it would make one heck of a pirates vs ninjas movie. Again, I am fully aware of the futility of trying to know which dresser would be most useful or if the decorative pillow will be useful in a different apartment. Knowing me I'm gonna want to decorate everything Mayan when we get back anyhow, so maybe that answers that question. :)

We've decided to go ahead and pack the TV, three weeks before we actually move. In theory, I'm a snob that hates TV and would feel great about being one of those show-offs who brag about not owning a television. In practice, I am a reality TV junkie, and love Survivor and Amazing Race and So You Think You Can Dance and Food Challenge, not to mention Glee. It is going to be hard to give them up, especially in the middle of a season, though I suppose we can watch them all online. I had given up TV for several years in the early 90s when I was doing so much theatre, which worked out great. Maybe it is time to try it again. Except for Glee, no lofty philosophy is making me miss that piece of heaven.


  1. I LOVE GLEE!! You learn so much, like a Ballad is a type of duck. I mean who knew! I watch it online, and it's just fine! You can't miss Glee, or I will take your card away! :)

  2. That 'duality' is inbred, my son. I throw away far too much and your Dad.... well, let's just say the show "Hoarders" makes him cry out in denial. I'm smiling at the thought of you putting out your plants and someone quickly taking them. Give the jade a hug for me when you set it out. Aren't you worried you'll lose all that good luck when it's gone? And putting away the TV??? Do you recall when we did that on Navion St? I love that you are blogging again.

  3. We gave up TV on Navion? I don't remember that, although I bet I hated it at the time. I gave up TV in the early 90s, I was just doing too much theatre to ever watch anything. Then ER and Friends lured me back. But even if I stop most things, I won't give up GLEE. Cause I've been singing for years, and you are right Rick, I didn't know a ballad is a male duck, I guess I've been saying it wrong all these years. lol
