Friday, May 9, 2008

Plants and a hair-cut

David got a little mad at me over a post a while back where I was talking about how he was terrorizing the neighborhood stealing plants. Well, that was hardly the case, so I thought I'd post some pics of the plants in question so you can see how small they are. Most of them came from his horticulture teacher, public parks and a few even came from stuff growing in cracks in the sidewalk. Only a few were actually taken from stuff overgrowing someone's lawn, but even in those cases you can see that he wasn't uprooting plants, just clipping a knuckle-sized end off a weed and sticking in the pot.

What is most fun is that they are all thriving. Weeds do that I guess. But weeds or not, I think they are pretty. We have a lot of plants in our house (and now a bunch on our stoop), but somehow we always want more. Until I get to live on a tropical island, preferably in a tree-house, then I'm always going to want more greenery around I suppose. I'm just glad David has the same feelings about that, otherwise he'd never let me get away with buying a flowering tree at Costco that so far is gorgeous but it will be a while before we will know if it is going to be able to survive indoors, even next to bright window.

Also, I got my hair cut. The before picture is with Rick, whom recently came to visit. The after picture is with some guy who lives at my house. I'm pretty sure that is the longest my hair has ever been in my life. It was kinda fun, but also work. Anyway, spring is here, and that decided it. I mean, who am I to argue with Mother Nature? Also, with this haircut I fit into my neighborhood better, considering the number of Marines who swarm out of the barracks a block over.

Finally, a little rant. The restaurants in our neighborhood are having some kind of street fair, where for $40 they are offering some kind of tasters or drinks or something. It sounds like a fun and interesting way to try a bunch of places out at once. But I can't get any info on how it actually works, like, is it a buffet on a table outside the restaurant, do you actually get a plate, I just want to get the basic details on how it works before I fork over a bunch of money. But all the flyers direct you to the website, and all the website gives you is a list of restaurants and a link to ticketmaster. What the heck? Someone needs to hire some new organizers that can't even spread the most basic information, ie, WHAT YOUR EVENT IS.


  1. Ok, so I've been gone from home too much to read your blog this entire past month and tonight got to catch up. I like your hair cut, love David's funky new plants, and wish I could come spend a couple of days with you. And did I read "Mother's Day shopping"????
    Bear in mind that everytime I read about you taking care of some poor soul who's body is giving out in one way or another, something weird inside me just wishes you could have been there for Grandma and Grandpa. And of course, Uncle Rod who is struggling with kidney stones and Uncle Gary who is, well, struggling. Hopefully I'm good for a few more years. ::wink:: But I can certainly envision a nice retirement in HAWAII staying in your "extra" bedroom. (I can almost see David blanching)
    Have fun with Kyle and remember Dad won't be coming after all.

  2. WOWZA!!!! I got it! And I'm taking it with me today full of GREAT music. This is just the best gift for me. I see I'm going to be busy figuring out all the uses I can put this to. I see I can even download a book? How kewl is that?
    Ok, so Dad *is* coming. Sorry 'bout that. I was thinking of the wrong month.
    It was great talking to you. Thanks to you and David for a great Mom's Day gift. Come to Chicago tonight and see me in the fitness center using it as I sweat away. Heh.
