Sunday, December 6, 2009

Heading to work, but...

Suddenly everything seems to be moving so fast.  Amazingly, we are keeping up.  Craigslist has been awesome and we've been getting rid of lots of stuff, just down to a few items left that hopefully will go today.  David has been painting like a fiend and that is well over half done.  I work the next three days (trying to cram in as many paid hours before we go as possible), and then we just have Wed left to wrap things up, clean out the house and get over to our friend Chrisy's that night.  There is still lots to do but it is all coming together.

The only problem has been the weather, with lots of rain and, yesterday, snow, which is preventing us from taking one last walk up to the Capitol Building like we wanted.  We were just there not long ago, so it isn't a huge tragedy or anything, but I'd been hoping to make a farewell walk our last week to commemorate our time here, which has been so awesome.  Unlike some other places we've lived, where by the time we left we were ready to go, it does feel like we are leaving here a bit early, and I suspect we are thus going to miss it here more than others.  Ah, nostalgia.

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