Saturday, December 13, 2008

Survivor: Gabon, Episode 11 Recap

Help me! I'm falling off the Survivor bandwagon, and I can't get up!

Still watching, just not so into blogging about it. I blame you Radha, for not keeping up with me. ::grin::

In short, Bob is awesome. Since it is pretty obvious that Suzie is going to float to the end, I am perfectly fine with Crystal getting voted off. As Sugar put it, let the nice people finish. Sugar cracks me up. She has been a real mover in the game, but I can't get over feeling that all of her big moves have either been mistakes or due to what I think are stupid motives. (I mean, wasn't she totally pissed at Kenny for lying to her and getting her to vote off Ace? But she started this episode in a totally tight alliance with Kenny and Crystal. Transition much?) I totally appreciate her making every move, but I have a hard time rooting for her when she either doesn't understand or care about the glory of playing the game.

But she is also kind of a bitch, as evidenced by her open mocking of Randy, and then tonight by the way she gave her idol to Matty, rubbing salt in the fresh stab wounds in Crystals back. Subtle is not in her vocabulary, which makes for some great TV.

Bob really concerned me when he started feeling guilty about lying to Kenny, and told him he would give him his immunity if he won. Dude. "Oh, I am so sorry that I am trying to beat you in this game of chess, why don't I just give you my Queen?" I HATE IT when they talk about "integrity". Why should you feel guilty about playing the game? Isn't that WHY YOU ARE THERE? Kenny, to his credit, is totally going for it. Are they editing him to sound super cocky? Yeah, and at this point I don't know if he has the votes to win anymore. But at least he is totally owning it. I mean, wow, plotting to get the immunity idol from Bob to turn around and vote him off? Awesome. Horrible, and I'm glad his plan failed, but still awesome. And though Bob scared me there for a while, he at least wizened up and played smart.

Favorite moment - back at camp, when Matty is complaining that he is the next to get voted off, and Sugar says "Yeah, that sounds pretty accurate." HA! Matty has no game though. Complaining does not constitute a strategy. The only reason he is still around is because Crystal couldn't help but gloat, which pissed Sugar off. I don't want him to win, but I'm always happy to have more likable options in the end. Sugar said him, "Just let me do the thinking." And she was right. I mean, ouch.

Again, I just have to say that I was impressed with Crystal as she was voted off. I think a person's true character comes out in a moment like that, and she was really classy. Good for her. I hope they make her run down Broadway to the David Letterman theatre for the reunion show, just so she can show off what she can really do.


  1. Oh Rob, you've called me out. Just so you know, I've read EVERY word you've written this season. I've just fallen into a world of 'net-voyeurism. That's only going to get worse when I start school again in the spring! This has been a bit of a lackluster season at times, but it's been a pretty good couple of weeks. At this point I'm rooting for Bob or Matty. I wouldn't be upset with a Sugar win, but I really doubt the sincerity of anything that's come out of her mouth this season. I have always liked the players who can dominate challenges and still play a likeable social game. While I admire those who connive and outwit (and love to bite my fist when they do outrageous things) in the end my inner nice girl wants the honorable players to win. Your faithful reader :) Radha

  2. I love your Survivor blogs! I check you out all the time. I just hope the Cowboys game is over before the finale starts tonight. I want Sugar to win, or Bob. And I can't wait to see how Randy acts at the after show. I hate him!

  3. Radha - Yay. I was just begging for a note from you. I miss ya!

    Rhonda - Yes, you are the only person in the family with enough brains to enjoy Survivor. And yes, I hate Randy too. And Corrine. :)
